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Wireless AV with Remote Extender PAT-220 for same floor use (4 CH)

  • Model: IMP_PK_PAT220
  • 39 ªÔé¹ ã¹ stock
  • âç§Ò¹¼Ùé¼ÅÔµ â´Â: Pakite Technology
  • Çѹ·ÕèºÑ¹·Ö¡ÊÔ¹¤éÒ : 10 Á.¤. 2012
  • á¡éä¢ÅèÒÊØ´ : 5 Á.¤. 2016
  • Êè§ÊÔ¹¤éÒä´é ÀÒÂã¹ : 2-3 Çѹ ËÅѧ¨Ò¡á¨é§â͹à§Ô¹

2,690.00ºÒ·  1,690.00ºÒ·
»ÃÐËÂÑ´: 37% off

( ÃÒ¤ÒÃÇÁ 7% áÅéÇ)


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Wireless AV with Remote Extender PAT-220 ÊÓËÃѺãªé§Ò¹ã¹¾×é¹·ÕèÃÒº ªÑé¹à´ÕÂÇ (àÅ×Í¡ä´é 4 Channel)

Wireless Video Sender & Remote Extender PAT-220
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Wireless Video Sender ¤×Í ¤ÓµÍº ÊÓËÃѺ¤ÇÒÁºÑ¹à·Ô§ 㹺éÒ¹ ·ÕèäÁè¨Ó¡Ñ´Ê¶Ò¹·Õè ´éǵÑÇ wireless Video Sender ÊÒÁÒö·Õè¨ÐÊ觡ÃШÒÂÀÒ¾ áÅÐàÊÕ§ ¼èÒ¹ÍÒ¡ÒÈ ä»ÂѧÍÕ¡·Õè˹Öè§ ã¹ÃÐÂзҧ äÁèà¡Ô¹ 100 àÁµÃ â´ÂäÁèµéͧà´Ô¹ÊÒ ãËéÂØè§ÂÒ¡ à¾Õ§áµè¹ÓµÑÇÃѺ仵èÍà¢éҡѺà¤Ã×èͧÃѺ·ÕÇÕ ÍÕ¡à¤Ã×èͧ à·èÒ¹Õé ·èÒ¹¡ç¨Ðä´é´ÙÀÒ¾ áÅÐàÊÕ§µÒÁµéͧ¡ÒÃ



PAT-220 wireless A/V transmitter & receiver (Wireless IR Remote Extender)! The product consists of a transmitter and a receiver. It adopts an advanced 2.4GHz wireless transmission scheme and has the advantages of a long transmission range, strong anti-interference and high mobility. It can transmit AV signals of DVD, DVR, CCD camera, IPTV, satellite STB, digital TV STB and other similar devices, by means of radio waves and receive them at distant end and input them to a TV set to be displayed. Moreover, the IR remote controller can be used at the receiving end to realize the function of wireless control of devices from another place. It enables you to easily realize wireless sharing of HD AV data and enjoy untrammeled hi-fi audio and visual effects.

■ÿ Use 2.4GHz ISM frequency band.
■ÿÿSupport 4 groups of channels. You can select these channels to avoid interference from signals of a wireless router, etc.
■ÿÿWireless transmission is suitable for one-floor.
■ÿÿThe transmitter and the receiver are used in the same channel in a pair and can be used in the modes of point-to-multipoint or multipoint-to-multipoint.
■ÿÿCompatible with DVD, DVR, CCD camera, IPTV, satellite STB, digital TV STB and other AV output devices.
■ÿÿSuperheterodyne 433MHz Wireless IR Remote Extender is fully compatible with remote control signals of DVD, DVR, CCD camera, IPTV, satellite STB, digital TV STB and other AV devices.
■ÿÿThe product is equipped with super strong IR signal transmitting function or used in conjunction with an IR signal extension wire.
■ÿÿImages received by means of radio are vivid and stable, the color is flamboyant, and the sound is clear.
■ÿÿSupports video transmission of PAL/NTSC system and stereo audio transmission.
■ÿÿFully hardware-designed. There is no need to install software. Plug and play. Simple and convenient.
■ÿÿDimensions: 10cm (L) ×8.5cm (W) ×3.0cm (H).
■ÿÿ2.4GHz module is CE &ÿFCCÿcertificated. Wireless application is safe and reliable.ÿÿ

■ÿÿ It transmit AV signals by means of radio waves and can be used for wireless sharing of AV signals of DVD, DVR, CCD camera, IPTV, satellite STB, digital TV STB and other AV devices of several TV sets.
■ÿÿ Wireless AV transmission solutions are suitable for large video meeting systems and multimedia class rooms.
■ÿÿ With an external CCD camera, it can realize real-time field image monitoring in applications such as security system.
■ÿÿ It can also be used in AV transmission applications where the AV cabling is difficult or expensive.ÿ

Frequency Bandÿ 2.4GHz Sensitivityÿ -90dBm
A/V Input Portÿ RCA A/V Output Portsÿ RCA
Video Input Levelÿ 1Vp-p(PAL/NTSC) Video Output Levelÿ 1Vp-p(PAL/NTSC)
Audio Input Levelÿ 1Vp-p(Stereo)ÿ Audio Output Levelÿ 1Vp-p(Stereo)ÿ
433MHz Sensitivityÿ -110dBm IR Transmitterÿ Superheterodyne 433.92MHzÿ
Carrier frequencyÿ 38KHz Carrier frequencyÿ 38KHz
IR Transmitting Rangeÿ ≥5m IR Receiving Rangeÿ ≥10m
Power Supplyÿ DC 5V-1000mA Power Supplyÿ DC 5V-1000mA


  • ÃѺ»ÃСѹÊÔ¹¤éÒ ¹Ò¹ 6 à´×͹
  • ÃÒ¤ÒÊÔ¹¤éÒ ä´éÃÇÁÀÒÉÕÁÙŤèÒà¾ÔèÁ 7%

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Wireless AV with Remote Extender PAT-220 for same floor use (4 CH)
2,690.00ºÒ·  1,690.00ºÒ·
»ÃÐËÂÑ´: 37% off
àºÍÃì IP Address ¢Í§·èÒ¹¤×Í:

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