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µÍ¹Õé ÁÕ¼Ùéãªé§Ò¹ÍÂÙè 12 á¢¡ Í͹äŹì.

North Bayou NB C3-F ¢Òá¢Ç¹·ÕÇÕ µÔ´¼¹Ñ§ LED, LCD TV ¢¹Ò´ 40" -65"

  • Model: IMP_NB_C3F
  • 45 ªÔé¹ ã¹ stock
  • âç§Ò¹¼Ùé¼ÅÔµ â´Â: north bayou
  • Çѹ·ÕèºÑ¹·Ö¡ÊÔ¹¤éÒ : 27 ¾.¤. 2017
  • á¡éä¢ÅèÒÊØ´ : 4 ÁÔ.Â. 2017
  • Êè§ÊÔ¹¤éÒä´é ÀÒÂã¹ : 2-3 Çѹ ËÅѧ¨Ò¡á¨é§â͹à§Ô¹

1,290.00ºÒ·  690.00ºÒ·
»ÃÐËÂÑ´: 47% off

( ÃÒ¤ÒÃÇÁ 7% áÅéÇ)

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North Bayou NB C3-F ¢Òá¢Ç¹·ÕÇÕ µÔ´¼¹Ñ§ LED, LCD TV ¢¹Ò´ 40" -65"

- ¢Òá¢Ç¹ ÊÓËÃѺ LED LCD Plasma ·ÕÇÕ ¢¹Ò´ 40-65 ¹ÔéÇ
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- ÃͧÃѺ VESA: 100x100mm, 100x200mm, 200x200mm, 200x300mm, 200x400mm, 300x300mm, 300x400mm, 400x400mm, 400x600mm
- ·ÓÊÕ´éÇÂÃкºSPHC with coating finished
- »ÃѺ¡éÁä´é 0 ͧÈÒ
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- ÁÕ safety lock ¡Ñ¹µ¡ Ãкº Lock ÊÅÑ¡àËÅç¡á¢ç§áç à¤Å×è͹ÂéÒ§èÒÂ
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Our NBC3-F fixedÿtv mountÿwas very popular design which made the consumers can install their TV at home by themselves in fast time. With our nice looking and high-quality surface powder coating finished, the consumers could easily hung up their universal LCD, LED display onto the wall plate for quick installation. Also the consumers could slide their screen within the wall plate freely to fit their different horizontal screen viewing angle.

This low profile design made your ultrathin flat panel TV much closer to the wall, only 29mm(1.2”) distance from the wall. Easy and quick installation and disassemble made your families feel more convenient to move out your TV to different position, also save two-thirds installing time than any other universal wallÿtvÿmounts.

Auto lock and unlock design was one of our patents. The single person could install and disassemble his TV very easily. Simply hold adaptors and hook onto wall plate and click on. Adaptors will engage and lock onto wall plate automatically. To carry down your TV, simply pull adaptor’s straps downward to disengage clips and hold it up. That’s it. No hand tools required, safe, easy and convenient.


* With our nice looking and high-quality surface powder coating finished.
* The consumers could slide their screen within the wall plate freely to fit their different horizontal screen viewing angle.
* This low profile design made your ultrathin flat panel TV much closer to the wall, only 29mm(1.2”) distance from the wall.
* Easy and quick installation and disassemble made your families feel more convenient to move out your TV to different position.
* Save two-thirds installing time than any other universal wall mounts.
* The single person could install and disassemble his TV very easily.


  • Flat panel Fixed mount
  • Fits most 40"-65" flat panel display
  • VESA compliance : 75*75,100*100,200*100, 200*200, 400*200, 400*400, 600*400mm.
  • Tilt: 0?
  • Load capacity : 150lbs(68.2kg)
  • Material : SPCC with coating finished
  • Surface treatment: Powder painting coating finished.
  • Color: Black

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